Merit List of M.A Tefl, Spring 2013

(AIOU) Allama Iqbal Open University

AIOU Merit List 2013 

Dear Students,

It is information of applicants seeking admission in MA Tefl, m.ed education, Mcs, MBA  and other program during spring 2013 semester.

It is information of Merit list has been placed on above link.

1. Merit List MEd Spl Educial Education
2. Merit List MA Spl Edu
3. Merit List MSc Forestry Ext
4. Merit List MSc Mass Comm

Last date for depositing fee is 05 June 2013.

For more informaiton and offering letter Click here


  1. sadia tahir

    aoa…..i have a degree of masters in english from fjwu and i wanted to apply for m.a tefl in your university but i have come to know that admissions are closed now…….when can i have admission now?

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