All Spring 2013 Solved Assignment and keybook available

University Allama iqbal open university

Key books Matric F.a B.a

Codes Click here for full ditails

Email: [email protected]


  1. najeeb

    661 code ke assignement our book mil sakti ha???? agar ha to pls contect me 0321-4928260

  2. zaineb

    mjhy b.ed 2nd semester ki books and assignments nahi mili.. can i get it on net???

    • Haris Mughal

      plz subjects kay codes btain…

      • Zaineb

        Code: 657 (General Science) and aik Biology ki hai,but uska Code even Site p bhi show nahi horha. Thanx

  3. Zaineb

    yes, i got the codes… they are: Code 657 and Code 520

  4. farzana

    mujhe meri books abhi tk nhi millin plz mujhe bta dein k kb tk muj tk pohanch jayein gi

    • shahzad

      kic programe kliy apply kia hai apne?

  5. khalil

    plz agar kesi k pas b.a ke assignment cod 402 ho plz send kar day mujy

  6. huma

    Haris tell me one thing . yeh jo ky half credit course hain inn ki 1st assignmnet kub tuk submitt kerwani hoon gee 15th july 2013 or 10th aug 2013???

  7. kinza

    code 657 ki assignment 2,3,4 hain to mujhe send karn urgent chahe

  8. saima khadim

    plzzz send me Solved B.A assignment code no 485 sahat aur ghazayet

  9. nida bukhari

    mujhe information techonogy360 ki key book urdu mai mil sakty hai or english ki keybook387mil sakty hai kab tak

    • Haris Mughal

      Yes both are available. Please place your order online with valid details. But may be you receive them after Eid because of Eid holidays.

  10. saba

    a.o.a sir plz code 422 assignment no 1 upload kr den

  11. saba

    a.o.a sir plz ba code 422 assignment no 1 upload kr dain

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